One of my mobile games created for my "hyper casual" games assignment is a simple touch-to-kill zombie game. I liked the play on words of "double tap" as a title for the game and I quickly began designing its features.
This game was very simple to code and so the main mechanics were completed within a few days, however the art and design of this particular project has not yet been finalized.
One core feature for this game is the wave system. I created a switch statement in code that would look at the number of the round and spawn certain types of waves dependent on difficulty. I made these rounds from 0 to 9 and so it would continuously loop. Each set of ten rounds will double up what is spawned, so overall the game gets progressively harder.
To add an element of randomness into this feature, I created a nested array of game objects that I could fill out in the editor that would be randomly selected to spawn. I split these arrays into groups: Easy, medium and hard.
I have also created an array of Bosses as I hope to implement a random boss level every ten rounds.